Specialists in Geotechnical Reporting, Sydney.

What We Do

Geotechnical Reports

Geotechnical reports designed to satisfy Council Conditions that also provide engineering properties of  the surface and subsurface ground materials as well as present or potential risks on the site or those that could occur during the earth works stage of the proposed construction process.

Subsurface Investigations

A wide variety of ground testing techniques. Advise on the most suitable methods for your requirements.

Advice on slope stability

Slope Stability Assessments to identify areas of movement or potential movement. Advice to stabilise potentially unstable areas. We also carryout stability reports (Prepurchase Reports) prior to the purchase of a property to ensure there are no geotechnical issues. These reports can be a requirement of the lender.


Solutions for failing or damaged Retaining Walls

Solutions to repair or replace failing or damaged retaining walls.

Advice on footing design and repair

Estimation of potential settlements for proposed foundations and advice on the repair of existing foundations that have moved.

Solutions for drainage and stormwater issues

Solutions for drainage issues from ground water seepage and storm-water run off.

Infiltration Testing

To determine the capacity of the soil to disperse water. The tests are usually requested by a storm-water engineer during the design process of the guttering and down pipes for a building.

Landslide Remediation

Advice and procedures to safely clean up and remediate land slides, to restore the slope to a stable condition.

Site Classifications

Site classifications (AS2870) to give guidance on footing design.

Acid Sulfate Testing and Management Plans

Preliminary Acid Sulfate testing and Acid Sulfate Management Plans.

Need More Info?

Feel free to contact us for more information about our services.